My Instructional Technology Design Musings
What makes me, me...? or What filters/lenses do I see my world through? |
the span of my life (thus far), I have had an amazing array of experiences
and directly used a number of technologies that influence my long-standing
interests in education and technology. I have also attended a number of different types of schools, and have had a variety of formal education experiences that make me who I am. I have directly used most of the technologies mentioned in the preparation of instructional materials or in teaching. This list is an attempt to capture some of these experiences that make up who I am today as an educator and technologist. |
International, Cross-Cultural Experiences |
I have traveled to: USA, Canada, Britain, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany (eastern & western), Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Yugoslavia (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia), Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic), Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, Hawaii (does that count), New Zealand, Kingdom of Tonga (pacific islands), Russia |
I was born in Canada, but lived in Jerusalem (Near East) for 18 years. |
I have learned and speak with varying degrees of fluency; German, Dutch and English |
We have been a host family for over 6 years to international students (highschool and college) from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany and Mexico |
I have observed teaching/schooling in USA, Navajo reservations, Amish school house, Palestine, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, Tonga, Germany, New Zealand, Australia and Egypt |
My Father is from Canada, My mother is from Holland. |
Educational, Teaching Experiences |
I have taught and team-taught university courses (online, face-to-face) |
I have taken asynchronous correspondence courses (print, web) |
Participated in synchronous Distance Learning Tele-lectures (satellite, Internet hi-band, web-based--PictureTel, Vtel) |
I have attended schools in Palestine, Holland, and the USA |
I have attended a Montessori school, have experienced homeschool, private school, public school, Catholic kindergarten, Anglican Church school, Private University (Brigham Young University |
2 years as a teaching missionary in Switzerland (German language) |
I have attended two 2-month intensive, immersive language training programs (Missionary Training Center (MTC) |
I have had formal music instruction in Trumpet, Tuba, Guitar, Contra-base Clarinet, Piano and Organ. |
I have been trained in scouting, and likewise trained young scouters |
I have guest lectured in university courses, conducted faculty training workshops |
I have had numerous church teaching opportunities (young adult and youth Sunday school) |
I completed an associates degree (photography), B.A. (Film), and Masters (Technology Education), I am currently finishing a Ph.D. (Instructional Systems, PSU) |
I have attended numerous professional development and HR workshops (Covey Leadership, Stanford Institute Project Management) |
I have attended and presented at professional conferences (state and national) |
I have visited a one-room Amish school, observed teaching, instructional materials. |
Media Technology (non-computer related) |
I have dealt with the following film formats: 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, 35mm , 70mm film cameras (loaded, threaded, cleaned, filmed, edited) |
I have dealt with the following film projectors: 8mm, 16mm film, 35mm projectors (splicing/editing, playback, threading) |
I have played, recorded and edited with the following video formats: Betamax, VHS, SVHS, 3/4 " U-matic, 1", Betacam SP, video8, Hi8, minidv, DVCpro, DVD-video |
I have videotaped with many professional camcorders (Sony, JVC, Panasonic, Ikegami, digital (dsp), and analog) |
I have used, edited and masterered numerous videodiscs (levels 1 and 2), Recordable Videodisc (CRV) Sony, Pioneer. |
I have used the shortllived CD-I (interactive) format from Pioneer. |
Photography, transparencies, negative, darkroom, 35mm, Medium format (Hasselblad, Mamiya) Large format (4x5, 8x10) Color, B&W |
I am a trained Steadicam operator (used with 16mm film, DVC-pro, Betacam and MiniDV cameras) |
I have used film strips (usually with cassette tape-manual. The advance-on-tone variety) |
Used slide projectors and developed multi-projector (up to 3) presentations (with synchronized audio and control tracks) (This format was considered the original "multimedia") |
Have worked on numerous film production crews (Documentary, Television and Theatrical release) |
Am familiar with and have used a host of professional audio equipment (microphones, speakers, headphones, mixers, routers and patch bays): Audio Technica, Shure, Sennheiser, Telex, Pro-tools, MOTU, Yamaha, Motorola, GLM, Denon, Peavey, Mackie, Sony, AKG, JBL, Tascam, Nakamichi, SierraVideo Systems, Kramer, Marantz. |
Photography (Aerial (sea-plane, helicopter), Terrestrial (in, on, under many moving vehicles) & Underwater) |
Chalk (dust free, regular, natural) Chalkboards (green, black, brown, handheld slates, wall mounted, painted) |
Whiteboards (electronic, copyable, projected, pressure sensitive, networked.) |
I have used and/or recorded with: Audio cassette recorders, 8 track player, Audio-CD , DAT, Minidisc, adat |
Record (vinyl) turntables-phonographs (33, 45, 78 speeds) single and multi-platter versions. |
Reel to reel audio (splicing, playback, threading) |
Flip charts (handheld, easel mounted, Post-it variety) |
I have used the following environment controllers in "electronic" classrooms (Crestron, AMP) |
Media Technology (computer-related) |
Digital media formats (Mpeg 1,2,4,7, avi, wav, aiff, au, wmv, rm, ra, mov, mp3, swf) |
Group response systems (Onetouch, Fleetwood, Group Systems) |
Electronic slides (Presentations, Powerpoint, Astound) |
Synchronous Distance Learning Tele-lectures (satellite, web-based, Internet hi-band--PictureTel, Vtel) |
Video streaming, (broadcast and Interactive w/chat)--(QT, Flash, Real, Windows media, Vivo, Vxtreme, Geo) |
DVD-Video, DV-ROM-web hybrid |
Authoring systems (Authorware, Toolbook, Flash) Multimedia CD |
Avatars, VRML (3d spaces) |
I have helped develop PDA courses (Palm, Pocket PC, Trivantis) |
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG,MMOG) (There, 2nd Life, World of Warcraft) |
3D rooms (BYU, PSU "caves") |
Variable speed Playback VSP (Enounce) |
Whiteboard, electronic, copyable, projected, pressure sensitive, networked. |
Synchronized media (Mpeg-4, Real, Windows Media, Flash, Director, QT) |
Computer Supported Collaboration technologies (Elluminate, Netmeeting, Centra, Interwise, Webex, HorizonLive-Wimba, Placeware, Paltalk, Groove, Atinav, iChat, and many others) |
Simulations (virtual chemlab) |
Media search (Pictron, Virage, Excaliber) |
Asset management and digital library products ( Bulldog, MediaSite, Jaguar, Content DM, Hyperion, TeleScope |
Non Linear Editors (NLE) (D/Vision, Avid, Premiere, Toaster, Play, FAST, Final Cut, iMovie, Windows MovieMaker) |
Immersive, networked gaming (World of Warcraft, Delta Force, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Pod racer), (Other: Command & Conquer, Age of Empires) |
I have used the following data backup systems: SyQuest (various capacities), Quantum DLT 4000-8000, Iomega |
I am familiar with, and have had (to attempt) to design for SCORM, IMS, AICC compliance (learning objects, media objects) |
I have used the following LMS, CMS and LCMS products: Blackboard, WebCT, Angel, NYU Online, Lectora, Topclass, Learningspace, FirstClass, Click2Learn, Avaltus, Macromedia, Playback Media, Skillsoft, Tegrity and others |
Other Technology |
Global Positioning System receiver (GPSr) devices--handheld and automotive from (Lowrance, Garmin & Cobra) |
Computer platforms/OS (Sinclair, Atari 800, Commodore 64, Apple, Mac, Wintel--Dos, Win 3.1, Win 9x, Win 2k, ME, XP) |
Gestetner, stat machine, mimeograph, ditto machine, photocopiers |
Word Processor (Word, (Corel)Wordperfect, Apple/Claris works, Star Office Writer) |
Overhead projector, LCD projector |
Post-it sheets (various colors and sizes, easel pads) |
Chalk (dust free, regular, natural) Chalkboards (green, black, brown, handheld slates, wall mounted, painted) |
Typewriter (manual and electric front strikes, and "IBM selectric", with and without correction strips, two-color ribbons) |
Carbon copy paper |
Telex machine,
facsimile machine
PDAs (Palm OS, Pocket PC) |
Other Experiences |
Facility design (Sound design, studio design, school design, classroom design) |
I am a Christian, Father, Husband, Son, Grandson, Brother, Neighbor, Student, Foreigner (Canadian), Teacher |
I scuba dive (not in years), ski (not very well), snowboard |
I have attended most of the following (inter)national conferences more than once: NAB (National Association of Broadcasters), IBC (International Broadcasting Convention), TeleCon, Online Learning, ALN (Sloan-C), AERA, AECT, EdMedia, SALT, IDLCON (International Distance Learning Conference) now E-Learning, TechED. |